My Inefficiencies

Descriptions in my room slowly crawl, a locked door behind a see through wall.

I can feel the air push out against me, a swift scent of karma, truth kisses and lips tease.

Tied around this chemistry of love compounds, does regret always make the same woeful sounds?

And you were here, laid out on a knife, the glass room shows us the reeling sky.

I want a place to hide, a home of untraceable lies, but reality doesn’t like our hopeful goodbyes.

Witness as the roaring winds strangle me, the senses twisted by my inefficiencies.

Let us slip into the mild open seas.

Pondering Sea

Settle in a wave, surrounded by celestial blue and white.

Your fingers edge the spacious sea until the sun sleeps.

The moon whispers lullabies as the waves slowly dream.

Motionless water wraps around your weightless self, a feeling of complete serenity.

Your curious eyes spread to the corners of the world till the edge of the sea is heard.

Your skin smoothed by the crystal sky called blue of light, mirrors trapped under the gentle sea.

Carried far from your home,you are steered towards the land where bees suckle honey dew.

The waves calmly set you on the beach with wind at half mast, leaving you to ponder, am I home at last?

The World 

The world, does it seem like a new beginning?
How man has gone and the birds are no longer singing?
Run, it’s all broken, the ending has become a silver lining.
Like how the water dries in the desserts burning binding.
The stars no longer shine and the moon no longer fades but discloses upon this ending day.
The world, it seems like a new beginning, but humbled in its dew, a roaring ending.